To know the size of the motherboard we must know that there are different types of motherboard sizes, each with its own characteristics and specific uses. Here are some of the most common motherboard sizes:
ATX motherboard
This is the most common type of motherboard used in desktop computers. It measures 305 x 244 mm and usually has between 4 and 7 expansion slots.
This motherboard is a smaller variant in size than the ATX motherboard, which measures 244 x 244 mm. It usually has between 2 and 4 expansion slots.
Mini-ITX motherboard
It is the smallest motherboard of all, with a size of 170 x 170 mm. It is ideal for compact systems with low power consumption.
E-ATX motherboard
It is an enlarged version of the ATX motherboard, measuring 305 x 330 mm. It usually has more expansion slots and more space for components.
One bad part is that they are very costly and most computers do not have enough space for these.