Horror Gift Books

Books and novels in the genres of horror, suspense and paranormal are among the most widely read genres today. It's true, the popularity of scary books, those delightful tomes full of suspense, psychological drama and mysteries of the unknown, is on the rise and for good reason. So if you want to treat one of these horror lovers, here are some recommendations.

Robert Bloch's Psychosis

A novel that became a widely acclaimed horror film, Psycho is an intense read. Following Norman Bates and his creepy behaviour, things get stranger and stranger as you discover that Bates is not only a murderer, but that he is absolutely out of touch with reality in a way you would never predict.


Mr Carey's Someone Like Me

When a divorced mother decides to fight her abusive ex-husband, things get interesting when you discover that they are actually two personalities in the same body. When she goes to her appointment with the psychiatrist, we are dragged further down the rabbit hole when we are introduced to a young woman who can actually see her other personality and it turns out that the two women are more connected than they previously thought.


It by Stephen King

No horror list is complete without Stephen King and this is one of his most famous novels of all time for good reason. Some of the situations in this novel are so disturbing that they are likely to stay in your mind long after you have closed the book and walked away from the story.

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