Mother's Day 2023. When is it and why is it celebrated?

The first Sunday in May is Mother's Day. Why do we celebrate the day and what date does it fall on? What you need to know.
Mother's Day

Mother's Day in Spain:

  • Mother's Day is celebrated in Spain on 7 May.
  • Day criticised as an invention of florists
  • Why does Mother's Day exist? You can read interesting facts here

Some think it's great because it pays tribute to women with children. Others consider it a completely commercialised event that has no deeper meaning. Irrespective of one's own convictions, it is indispensable in the calendar of special days: the Mother's Day.

All what you need to know about jubilee day for mums and florists.

Mother's Day: When is it? All dates

Mother's Day is always the first Sunday May. That is 7 May.  

Read on to find out when Mother's Day is celebrated.

Origin and history: Who invented Mother's Day?

Your origins date back to ancient Greece and ancient Rome. However, it was more about God-worshipping rituals and cult worship than about the mother herself. The American feminist Ann Maria Jarvis can be described as responsible for Mother's Day in its present form. It took up an older idea of the poet and women's rights activist Julia Ward Howe, who had already called for a "Mother's Day of Peace" in 1870 in the face of war and slavery.


Jarvis' mother organised "Mothers' Day Meetings"where participants were able to exchange ideas on mothers' issues. As early as 1865, she had also devised a movement called "Mothers' Friendship Day". After her death in 1905, her daughter fought for a holiday in honour of all women who have children.


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The first official Mother's Day was celebrated in her community in 1908, the third anniversary of Ann Jarvis' death. The daughter remained committed to a holistic perception. Success: In 1914, the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, made the second Sunday its special national day.

Ironically, Jarvis's holiday turned into a victims of their own successand increasingly commercial. That is why he fought for its abolition after its introduction. Failed. In the meantime, it is the consumer festival number two, after Christmas. Valentine's Day is close behind.

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